Oh hey! I presented at the Australian Information Security Association (AISA) Conference in 2019 with a presentation called SQL Injection for Beginners: It’s Hammertime. Peeps asked for the slides so here they are as a YouTube experience with all the vids and giph’s and as a bone dry SlideShare experience minus all the fun stuff.

Inside Google South Korea as a Google Women Techmakers Scholar

Utter the words, ‘I’m going to Google’ and a collective awe spreads across faces like seeing your favourite singer on stage for the very first time. Google has undoubtedly reached rock star status in the collective consciousness of almost anyone who has ever had the...

What The Actual (Fuck) is Blockchain?

The idea for blockchain came from a now germinal paper written in 2008 by the man known as Satoshi Nakamoto, what his or their real name is, no-one knows which just adds to the mystery and intrigue around the whole community. Nakamoto referred to "blocks" and "chains"...