It’s Hammertime: SQL Injection For Beginners

Oh hey! I presented at the Australian Information Security Association (AISA) Conference in 2019 with a presentation called SQL Injection for Beginners: It’s Hammertime. Peeps asked for the slides so here they are as a YouTube experience with all the vids and giph’s and as a bone dry SlideShare experience minus all the fun stuff.

Burp: A Quick Installation Guide

In order to execute a SQL injection, for example, we need to see what’s going on in the code behind the interface when we enter our username and password and send it over the internet or from the login page to the database.     To do that we need to use...

Penetrating Real-Time Threat Behaviour: Cyber Analytics and the Pen Tester

It’s the wild, wild, west out there in cyberspace, except the feral camels[1] that once roamed Texas are the hackers, and they’re roaming beyond borders and through firewalls on the daily. At present, cyber threat intelligence gathering is a mish-mash of intrusion...