It’s Hammertime: SQL Injection For Beginners

Oh hey! I presented at the Australian Information Security Association (AISA) Conference in 2019 with a presentation called SQL Injection for Beginners: It’s Hammertime. Peeps asked for the slides so here they are as a YouTube experience with all the vids and giph’s and as a bone dry SlideShare experience minus all the fun stuff.

Mad, criminal or straight: Female desire in film and TV

  When it comes to representations of lesbians in film and television, sometimes they're there, mostly they’re not. And if they are, they're mostly confined to cells. The lesbian in popular culture is usually mad, criminal or she’s really, actually, heterosexual....

W0m3nWh0HackM3lb0urn3: Monthly Ethical Hacking Sessions

W0m3nWh0HackM3lb0urn3 is a safe space for women who are keen to learn to ethically hack. We are a community of women identified hackers who support each other to increase our skills and hack all the (legal) things. Why? There’s a worldwide shortage of skilled cyber...